Monday, December 22, 2008

Bored of the Boredom

I got into work today! It was interesting and tricky in a few places, but I managed to get my car work...I got here, I hope I can get home!

I have officially decided that I have officially decided that I hate snow. I am currently filing a civil complaint against said snow. Any and all desiring to help are welcome.

If only the roads looked as clear! That was last week. NOTICE: All 4 lane roads are now 2 or 3 and all 2-3 lane roads are now 1. Thanks for your help.

I guess I am just really bored at work. I don't plan to see many customers.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

FFT (Family-Forced Time)

I just made that up.  I guess it is the best I can do to describe today.  Last night and today it snowed about 8-10 inches or more and that meant (over here on this side of the mountains) that everything gets cancelled-church included.  So we held our own sacrament meeting (that was good), played some family games and we decorated the tree.  All good fun and enjoyable, but I think I have cabin fever!

I guess I can just be thankful that this doesn't happen often and that at the very least and can go for a walk!

Hence FFT!  (If you don't make time for it, it will make time for you!)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

numero uno

So, tiara convinced me, with some forceful action, to start up my own blog here on this here I am!